Friday, May 29, 2009

A-Z of Haematology

A-Z of Haematology


Dictionary to definitions covering the entire spectrum of hematology, from blood transfusion and coagulation through to recent advances in molecular hematology. For practitioners and students as well as researchers. More than 70 figures explain and clarify difficult concepts.

The Encyclopedia of Parkinson's Disease: Facts on File Library of Health and Living

The Encyclopedia of Parkinson's Disease: Facts on File Library of Health and Living

* Publisher: Facts on File
* Number Of Pages: 384
* Publication Date: 2004-03
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0816050325
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780816050321
* Binding: Hardcover

Fundamentals of Neurology: An Illustrated Guide

Fundamentals of Neurology: An Illustrated Guide

Neurology in Clinical Practice (2 vol. set)

Neurology in Clinical Practice (2 vol. set)

* Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
* Number Of Pages: 2512
* Publication Date: 2003-11-20
* Sales Rank: 490474
* ISBN / ASIN: 0750674695
* EAN: 9780750674690
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Butterworth-Heinemann
* Studio: Butterworth-Heinemann
* Average Rating: 3.5
* Total Reviews: 6

Book Description:
This multimedia package includes the New Edition of the textbook plus online access to a searchable version of the text, content updates, and more at A distinguished team of experts provides comprehensive guidance on neurological care, from diagnosing the cause of a particular problem using neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and other methods of investigation to understanding the underlying pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of diseases and disorders, and planning the appropriate treatment.

Hematology in Practice

Hematology in Practice

* Publisher: F. A. Davis Company
* Number Of Pages: 348
* Publication Date: 2007-01-30
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0803615264
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780803615267
* Binding: Hardcover

Author Betty Ciesla brings a fresh voice to the practice of hematology withher exciting new text. With descriptive, accessible language, Hematology in Practice presents the need to know concepts of hematology and provides the knowledge to integrate theory and procedure with successful performance in the clinical laboratory setting.

Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics

Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics

Product Details:

Hardcover: 334 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 3, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540336788
ISBN-13: 978-3540336785

The broad field of neuro-ophthalmology encompasses lesions of both the afferent and efferent pathways, which can result from various etiologies: tumoral, paraneoplastic, vascular, inflammatory, infectious, or hereditary, just to name a few.

This volume of Essentials in Ophthalmology is dedicated to the review of new developments in neuro-ophthalmology, including those in diagnosis, physiology, investigations or therapeutic options. It is divided into six parts, designed to provide the clinician with a summary of some of the newest data regarding: Diseases of the optic nerve, unusual retinopathies, new methods of investigations of the retina, optic nerve, and visual brain, neuro-ophthalmic implications of some systemic disorders, oculomotility, visual rehabilitation.

This up-to-date, concise, and practical book will help the clinician understand the unusual diseases of certain patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders.

Neuroexam Videos - Dr Hal Blumenfeld

Neuroexam Videos - Dr Hal Blumenfeld

The NeuroExam Video demonstrates how to perform a complete neurologic examination. It is intended for medical students, residents, and other students in the health care professions.
The NeuroExam Video introduces the neurologic exam, and then presents a detailed demonstration of the exam consisting of the following six subdivision:

1. Mental status
2. Cranial nerves
3. Motor exam
4. Reflexes
5. Coordination and gait
6. Sensory exam

In the era of modern neuroimaging methods, the neurologic exam remains an essential diagnostic tool. It is a critical way station in the clinical decision making process, dictating whether imaging studies or other tests are required. In addition, the neurologic exam enables the clinician to decide what regions should be imaged, and when emergency therapeutic interventions are needed prior to any diagnostic tests. By understanding how to perform and interpret the neurologic exam, health care professionals in all specialties can help preserve the functioning of the nervous system, vastly improving patient quality of life.

Here is a single zip file with all the 77 videos ripped in real media format with a browsable index.htm file:


The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 17th Edition

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis (CD-ROM)

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 17th Edition

The most widely used medical reference in the world. More than 10 million copies sold in 18 languages since it was first published in 1899–revised, updated, and redesigned with more changes than any edition in the past twenty years.

The Campbell Biology, 6th Edition CDROM by Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reese

The Campbell Biology, 6th Edition CDROM by Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reese

The Campbell/Reece brand of current content The authors have thoroughly updated each of the book's eight units to reflect our evolving understanding of life at its many levels, from molecules to ecosystems. You can count on Campbell and Reece to make topics as diverse as the Human Genome Project and the revolution in systematics accessible to your students without oversimplification. Other examples of updated content include HIV as a research model in evolutionary biology, the role of cell-signaling pathways in plant responses, new frontiers in neurobiology, and experimental approaches that are advancing ecology..

The added expertise of leading scientists
To assure accurate representation of each field of biology, a team of stellar specialists worked with the authors in updating selected chapters. These contributors include ecologist Charles Krebs (University of British Columbia), science historian Garland Allen (Washington University, St. Louis), neuroscientist Deric Bownds (University of Wisconsin), physiological ecologist Mark Chappell (University of California, Riverside), plant biologist Linda Graham (University of Wisconsin), plant physiologist Peter Minorsky (Vassar College), immunologist Mary Jane Niles (University of San Francisco), and evolutionary biologist Mark Ridley (Oxford University).

New "Guided Tour" diagrams
New to Biology, Sixth Edition is an innovative design breakthrough that explicitly guides students through the more challenging figures. Guided Tour diagrams succinctly explain key structures, functions, and steps of processes within the figure, reducing the need to look back and forth between legend and art. It's as if an instructor were looking over the student's shoulder and clarifying each part of a figure! Guided Tour commentary is set in blue, making it easy to differentiate these explanations from ordinary labels and keeping the figure itself clear and uncluttered.

An even greater emphasis on the process of science
The authors have created a new Chapter 1 that uses fresh examples to introduce students to science as a way of knowing the world of life. Examples of the process of science are highlighted throughout the book, and each chapter includes a "Process of Science" question that encourages students to experience science. Media activities give students additional practice with analysis of data and other science skills. And eight new interviews with renowned researchers humanize science as a social activity.

An evolution theme more pervasive than ever
Greater emphasis on evolution in Chapter 1, many new sections throughout the book that provide an evolutionary perspective for diverse topics, and evolution questions for students to answer at the ends of all chapters are examples of how the authors have strengthened evolution as the theme that integrates Biology, Sixth Edition.

Enriched chapter reviews
Countering the trend to make textbooks lighter by reducing the learning tools available to students at the ends of chapters, the authors have made the chapter reviews in Biology, Sixth Edition more robust and effective than ever. In addition to the excellent chapter summaries and thoughtful multiple choice questions of earlier editions, the chapter reviews now include short-answer questions and several categories of questions designed to catalyze student inquiry.

Campbell Image Presentation Library
Just one example of a media package that's better than ever, the new Campbell Image Presentation Library is a chapter-by-chapter visual archive that includes approximately 1600 photos (from both the text and additional sources), all of the textbook's art and tables with and without labels in several convenient formats (pdf and jpeg or gif), over 100 animations, and 60 video clips. All of the diverse images
art, animations, photos, and videos
are organized by chapter. File names include figure numbers and a brief description. The art, photos, and tables are also provided as PowerPoint slides. In addition, a prepared PowerPoint lecture with art, photos, and text is available.

Integrated media for students
Media references at the end of each chapter direct students to a wealth of additional learning opportunities. The CD-ROM and web site included with each book contain over 300 activities and videos, a Process of Science investigation for each chapter, applications, case studies, interactive chapter reviews, objectives, word roots, key terms, several forms of assessment for each chapter (Pre-Test, Activities Quiz, Chapter Quiz, Essay Questions), a glossary with pronunciations, and the Campbell Biology interviews. In addition, the web site provides access to the Biology Tutor Center, web links, news, Syllabus Manager, and the Image Library. These materials are also included in the following course management systems: CourseCompass, BlackBoard, and WebCT.

Reactive Oxygen Metabolites: Chemistry and Medical Consequences

Reactive Oxygen Metabolites: Chemistry and Medical Consequences

* Publisher: CRC
* Number Of Pages: 608
* Publication Date: 2000-07-21
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0849308917
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780849308918
* Binding: Hardcover

In recent years, the field of radical chemistry has undergone explosive growth. Although its roots lie in organic chemistry, the implications of its findings are having enormous impact in a broad range of disciplines, and we now have evidence for radical involvement in over 100 diseases. As important as this is, however, the subject of radicals and reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) is complex and barely touched upon in the curriculum of medical schools. Reactive Oxygen Metabolites brings the subject within the grasp of even those with little preparation in chemistry. From the basic chemistry of radicals through the pathology, the author provides a clear and thorough introduction to ROMs and their importance to human health and disease. Exhaustively researched and referenced, this highly readable work will give you the ability to critically analyze and evaluate many pathological problems arising from the chemistry of ROMs and reduce them to their lowest common denominator. It is the ideal vehicle for people who need to understand the importance of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in human health and disease but have neither the time, the inclination, nor perhaps the background to work their way through the mountain of original literature.

CURRENT Essentials Orthopedics: Lange Current

CURRENT Essentials Orthopedics: Lange Current

* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical
* Number Of Pages: 272
* Publication Date: 2007-11-15
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071439234
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071439237
* Binding: Paperback

CURRENT ESSENTIALS ORTHOPEDICS-the ultimate at-a-glance bedside guide!

* “Nutshell” information on the diagnosis and treatment of the 200 most common orthopedic diseases and disorders
* One disorder per page, with bulleted lists for easy access
* Covers all relevant procedures, from adult reconstructive surgery to foot and ankle surgery
* ICD9-CM codes for each topic, allowing you to code and classify morbidity data after making the diagnosis
* Organized by Essentials of Diagnosis
* Handy tabs that give you point-of-care answers in an instant
* A pearl per page

BEIKS Medical Dictionary V6.0.1084

BEIKS Medical Dictionary V6.0.1084

Requirements: XScale.WM5.WM6
Overview: Extensive medical dictionary with explanations in English of over 38, 000 unique medical terms.

Product details

The Medical Dictionary for Windows Mobile® wasdesigned to cover the needs of doctors, pharmacists, scientists,healthcare professionals, students and academics. Whether professionalon the job or a medical student on the go you should find thisdictionary a handy and useful addition to your medical arsenal.

Basedon the mobile industry standard BEIKS Dictionary Reader, this productis specially optimized for one-hand operation, minimal memoryrequirements and optimal access speed. It can be installed on eithermain memory or on an extension media card and once installed does NOTrequire or utilize network connection.

The Medical Dictionarylexicon contains over 38,000 unique medical terms and references withcompact yet informational definitions.

BEIKS, LLC and itsMedical Dictionary for Windows Mobile® are proud owners of Handango’s“Best Medical Application” award in its annual Handango Champion awards.

English Dictionary for Windows Mobile award winner of PPC Magazine for 2002

Medical dictionary for Windows Mobile Medicine dictionary for Windows Mobile General Medical dictionary for Windows Mobile.

Dictionary features:

Basedon the mobile industry standard BEIKS dictionary program BDictyDictionary covering all major mobile platforms (Palm OS®, WindowsMobile® / Pocket PC®, Linux / Sharp Zaurus®)
Medical Dictionary lexicon with over 38,000 unique Medical terms
Expandable with other BEIKS dictionaries and phrase books for Windows Mobile®
Optimized for Widows smartphones one-hand operation
Quick input for Windows Smartphone via virtual keyboard panel
Open secondary dictionary option
Dictionary browsing with fast word positioning
Installable in the main handset memory or on a media card
Excellent data compression
Free software updates*
Download availability online
Built-in help documentation.

History And Examination At A Glance

History And Examination At A Glance

Author:Jonathan Gleadle
Publisher:Blackwell Publishers
Page:216 pages
Edition: English
Catalog: Diagnosis
Book Description
History and Examination At a Glance provides a concise, readily accessible introduction and revision guide designed in accordance with current teaching practice. The book follows the easy-to-use At a Glance format of double page spreads composed of clear memorable diagrams that support accompanying key facts and essential information.
For ease of understanding, the book has a four-part approach. Section I introduces students to key history taking and communication skills including relationships with patients, family history, functional enquiry and more. Section II covers the history and examination of the systems as well as the principles and presentation of a history and examination. Section III and IV cover all the common clinical presentations and system based conditions, how they present and how to make a diagnosis. These include topics from chest pain, headache, unconscious patient, attempted suicide and trauma to aortic aneurysm, renal failure, asthma, stroke and much more.
History and Examination At a Glance will be an essential resource for all medical students as well as students in other health professions. It is ideal for clinical training, for the run up to OSCE as well as other clinical examinations and it will be an absolute cornerstone to anyone’s clinical attachments! The book is designed to fit into the reading time as well as the budget of students and trainees.

PASS: only4lekar

Kochar's Clinical Medicine for Students

Kochar's Clinical Medicine for Students

* Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
* Number Of Pages: 800
* Publication Date: 2008-02-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0781766990
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780781766999
* Binding: Paperback

Substantially revised, reorganized, and updated for its Fifth Edition, this concise textbook is ideal for medical students in internal medicine clinical clerkships. This edition's content reflects current guidelines from the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine and the National Board of Medical Examiners on topics necessary for this rotation. The organization and presentation of the material is divided into three sections: the diagnostic and clinical approach to common presenting complaints with particular attention to elements of the differential diagnosis; diseases and disorders frequently encountered in medicine, formally described in a logical and structured manner; and principles of ambulatory medicine.

Pathophysiology: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review

Pathophysiology: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review

Pre-Test Basic Science Series
Product Details

* Paperback: 480 pages
* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 3 edition (August 9, 2004)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0071434925
* ISBN-13: 978-0071434928
* Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.4 x 0.6 inches
* Size: 2,35 mb
* Format: PDF

These "500 questions, answers, and explanation" books are designed to simulate the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1. Each is authored by an expert in the field and has been reviewed by students who have recently passed the exam. As Step 1 is becoming increasingly more clinical in nature, when applicable, clinical vignette-style questions requiring a two-step reasoning process are also included. All of the Pretest titles include a "high-yield" fact section to reinforce key concepts.

Learning Medicine

Learning Medicine

* Publisher: Cambridge University Press
* Number Of Pages: 256
* Publication Date: 2008-01-14
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0521709679
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780521709675
* Binding: Paperback

Learning Medicine is a must-read for anyone thinking of a career in medicine, or who is already in the training process and wants to understand and explore the various options and alternatives along the way. Whatever your background, whether you are school-leaver or mature student, if you are interested in finding out more about becoming and being a good doctor, this is the book for you. In continuous publication since 1983, and now in its eighteenth edition, Learning Medicine provides the most current, honest and informative source of essential knowledge combined with pragmatic guidance. Learning Medicine describes medical school courses, explains foundation years and outlines the wide range of speciality choices allowing tomorrow's doctors to decide about their future careers; but it also goes further to consider the privilege and responsibility of being a doctor, providing food for thought and reflection throughout a long and rewarding career.

A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests

A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests

* Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
* Number Of Pages: 1344
* Publication Date: 2008-05-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0781771943
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780781771948
* Binding: Paperback

Now in its Eighth Edition, this leading comprehensive manual helps nurses deliver safe, effective, and informed care for patients undergoing diagnostic tests and procedures. The book covers a broad range of laboratory and diagnostic tests and studies that are delivered to varied patient populations in varied settings. Tests are grouped according to specimen and function/test type (e.g. blood, urine, stool, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). Each test is described in detail, with step-by-step guidance on correct procedure, tips for accurate interpretation, and instructions for patient preparation and aftercare. Clinical Alerts highlight critical safety information.